3/3/2021 · Définition. Faire pénétrer de lair dans ses poumons . Exemple : Il va falloir aspirer maintenant. Aspirer un liquide, de lair, en créant un vide partiel . Exemple : Il a réussi à aspirer le fond du réservoir avec un petit tuyau. Avoir des désirs pour, prétendre à . Exemple : Il aspire à de hautes responsabilités.
Aspire definition is - to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success). How to use aspire in a sentence.
aspire definition: to want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful: . Learn more.
Define aspire. aspire synonyms, aspire pronunciation, aspire translation, English dictionary definition of aspire. have a strong hope or ambition; to strive toward an end: They aspire to greatness. Not to be confused with: inspire – fill with high emotion; to guide by...
Aspire definition, to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value (usually followed by to, after, or an infinitive): to aspire after literary immortality; to …
Aspire: to have in mind as a purpose or goal. Synonyms: aim, allow, calculate… Antonyms: decline, descend, dip… Find the right word.
aspire to sth vi + prep. (strive for sth) aspirar a vtr + prep. esforzarse por alcanzar loc verb. locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo (sacar fuerzas de flaqueza, acusar recibo). Any writer who aspires to greatness should study the classics.
Aspires - definition of aspires by The Free Dictionary
Información sobre aspiro en el Diccionario y Enciclopedia En Línea Gratuito. 1 . v. tr. Tomar los seres vivos el aire exterior. respirar 2 . Absorber una máquina gases, líquidos o la suciedad del exterior. 3 . Desear una cosa aspira...
Aspire peut désigner : la Ford Aspire; une gamme dordinateur produit par Acer; Aspire Tower un immeuble au Qatar. Aspire est une sculpture située au Royaume-Uni.
aspire / əˈspaɪə / vb (intransitive) usually followed by to or after : to yearn (for) or have a powerful or ambitious plan, desire, or hope (to do or be something) : to aspire to be a great leader
20/12/2017 · aspire in British English. (əˈspaɪə ) verb (intransitive) 1. (usually foll by to or after) to yearn (for) or have a powerful or ambitious plan, desire, or hope (to do or be something) to aspire to be a great leader. 2. to rise to a great height. Collins English Dictionary.
Learners definition of ASPIRE. no object : to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success) — often + to. Both young men aspire to careers in medicine. =both young men want to have careers in medicine She aspires to a more active role in her government.
Find 19 ways to say ASPIRE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the worlds most trusted free thesaurus.
Definition of Aspire. To aspire means to seek, to attain or accomplish a particular goal. e.g. He aspired to be a pilot. to ascend, soar. e.g. He aspired to attain the best he could. Example Tre aspires to be the best coach and mentor he can be. He does this to inspire all he works with.
aspire meaning, definition, what is aspire: to desire and work towards achieving som...: Learn more.
ASPIRE. Action on Secondary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events. A study that evaluated the potential for secondary prevention of coronary disease in the UK by influencing risk factors.
verb. no object 1 Direct ones hopes or ambitions towards achieving something. we never thought that we might aspire to those heights. More example sentences. other people will aspire to be like you. It …